Know the Exam

Every exam is different and before you start the preparation for any exam, the one thing of utmost importance is knowing about the exam. Depending on which exam you are planning to give, make sure you are thorough with the exam details and its syllabus. Knowing the exam will provide you a pathway which you must follow in order to crack the exam. The things that you must know about the exam are:

  1. Syllabus of the exam
  2. Eligibility criteria for the exam
  3. The job position that you are applying for and the department it falls under.
  4. Job responsibilities
  5. The knowledge and any special expertise required for the exam.
  6. Future Prospects, mainly for college exams.

These are some of the details that you must have about the exam and if you are wondering where you will be able to find it then we have you covered.

  1. Official Notification: You can search for the official notification of that particular exam, this will provide you all the necessary and correct details about the exam. If the official notification is still not out then you can search for some previous year notification. Even if you are looking at some other source for knowing about the exam, you still must go through the official notification as it will provide you the exact and updated data about that particular exam.
  2. Blogs: There are various blogs that are available online related to the many government exams conducted in India. All you have to do is search for the exam online and you will get a number of blogs on the particular exam. Read some blogs and you will know how the particular exam is conducted, what post is it for and what are the future prospects after cracking the exam.
  3. Videos: With the coming of YouTube, video too has gained a lot of traction among the people and when you search for the exam on Google, it will also show you some videos related to the same. So if you are not the reading type of person than even these videos can help you in providing all the knowledge which is necessary for cracking that particular exam.
  4. Toppers Talk: What better to know about something than from the horse’s mouth. After the exam results are out, the toppers are called for interviews where they discuss all about the exam. You can also watch these toppers talk or read their interviews in order to get complete details about the particular competitive exam.